• New Website And Repo

    Hello everyone, this is a message to state that my blog has been migrated to my new website If you would like to read about the migration process, here is the latest blog post, I won’t be uploading anything else here

  • What is Server Side Rendering and Client Side Rendering?

    In the early ages of mankind, when Geocities roamed the earth and Netscape was king, the web was nice and simple. There was a bunch of websites, all linked to together with anchor tags, to move from one website to another you clicked the hyperlink that made a request to...

  • Putting the pieces together

    Hello everyone, if you have been following some posts you might know that I’ve been learning about how to build small services in Express, as well as learning a bit of React. So this blog post is about a small toy app I built combining both let’s get to it....

  • Using forms in the Backend

    I’ve been recently reading an HTTP book written by K. Scott Allen (great book for beginners like me) and dwelling more with the backend, so I figured I should write something quickly on how to use forms in a backend application. To say I’m a stranger to forms would be...

  • Deep Copying Arrays

    I was working on this coding challenge by the great humans of Free Code Camp and I stumbled into some trouble. The challenge required to work with a 2-D array, I was writing a helper function to do some operations to the array and to my surprise I was sometimes...

  • Learning by induction - The Learnings

    In the previous blog post I talked about how using two different templating engines (EJS and Handlebars), helped me to understand better what is the role of templating engine (as opposed to have searched a Medium article like “What does a templating engine do”, which is totally valid, but a...

  • Learning by induction

    WARNING My blog was having some interesting behaviors with the templating code examples, so I added extra spaces in some parts to bypass them (so not everything is working syntax) Imagine you are an early scientist and you manage to get to an island nobody has ever seen. While there,...

  • Into the App

    When learning to code, the focus goes firstly into trying to get a decent grasp of a programming language. You try to understand the syntax well enough so that you can solve problems with it, nevermind style at this point, is a matter of realizing that with some commands you...